5.) El Matador, 12% of total with 40 votos.
To confess, this is a sobriquet I am pleased to have eluded.
4.) El Conquistador, 17%, 53 votos.
Yet this title would have been most welcome!

With the mixture of feelings, I bid adios to El Bigote. Even had it won, I could not have grown the moustache I yearn for. This was due to an executive decision. (Cristina is the executive. She made the decision.)
2.) El Mago (“the Magician”), 31%, 97 votos.
A moniker I have already enjoyed in España.
1.) El Machetero (literally “the machete wielder,” but a “trail blazer” in the more general sensing), 37%, 116 votos.

¡Por favor deseo que la suerte!
Viva el machetero!