
One of These Mates Is Not Like the Others

As the Spanish National Team practices, the time nears for us to pull up our socks and get the job done. But even so, there are moments of levitation. Here, the team is at a press conference. Pau and I engage in fun at the expense account of Ricky Rubio.

Pau: You appear tanned and well-rested, Rudy.

Me: It is true, I have spent much of the summer basking beneath El Sol. How else is one to go beyond the pale? Now let me pose you a riddle. One of the three mates on this stage is not like the others. Can you guess in what manner this is true?

Pau: Sí! Only one person on this stage has achieved an NBA championship!

Me: I grant you that, but think again.

Pau (considering): Ah, now I see. Only one of the mates on this stage is not under contract to play in the NBA this year. [We chortle.]

Ricky: It appears I will be passing the ball exclusively to Victor Claver in our next match. [Our chuckling ends abruptly with Ricky’s riposte.]

Our lesson is learned: Never annoy your Experto en Parquets BEFORE the playoffs commence!
Foto from Rudy Fans,
Ricky Rubio graphic from this location.

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