Checking into last evening’s debacle against the Oklahoma City Thunder, I found myself standing next to the rangy form of Kevin Durant. The quiet and mannerly player gave me a sidelong glance and said, “Dang Rudy, you’re buff.”
Surprised, I answered, “I shower twice daily, and this process includes exfoliation, defoliation, and deforestation. But while I sometimes take on a healthy sheen, I have never described myself as being ‘buffed.’”
With a quizzical chuckle, Durant responded, “Now you’re messin’ with me? Touché!” (He then proceeded to rain down points on us in a most genteel manner.)
Hi Rudy! You have a GREAT sense of humor! I love to laugh! I hope your back is feeling good. Was at the game last night and was wondering what was going on with the team. I do think it would help you to work out. Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen both started working out after being in the NBA for a few years..had their own personal trainers. They said it helped them with their stamina for the playoffs and made them less likely to be injured. This makes sense to me! I am an RN (Registered Nurse) and believe working out does help build strength and make it less likely to be injured! Thank you again for your great playing and personality! Mary Joelle