My chosen sport of endeavor is one filled with countless bumps, jostlings, pats, and hematomas. And that is only to list the injuries committed by my mates!
Per ejemplo, view the fate that awaits me after a triumphant return to the bench during our Eurobasket match against Greece: And even now, my days are a study in contrasts. After winning the Eurobasket championship (and being named to the All-Tournament team), I ascended the pinnacle of sports ecstasy in both Poland and Spain.
And now I return to Portland for… training camp.
Another interesting spectacle has taken place around the masculine stylings of players both European and North American. The question has been posed: When it comes to slicing the beefcake, who IS Mr. Eurobasket? My candidacy is mentioned in the same breathiness as Lithuania’s Robertas Javtokas, Turkey’s Engin Atsür, and Greece’s Nikos Zisis.
And it seems that actress Elizabeth Banks gives me her vote, which is a matter of some encouragement, provided we never meet. You see, Cristina is most unamused by this.)
Sadly, there are other players who have tried to venture their way into my concupiscent domain. It does not require an expert eye to see their lack of ease, in contrast to the relaxed elegance I wear so easily.
One player is capable of rivalling me. But as he has most unwisely forsworn his moustache, I can safely state: "There can be only one! (And I am he. And him.)"
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