Q. Do you know why I enjoy partaking of three-point shots?
A. Because there are no shots that total four points.
That said, I was mildly disappointed that none of my mates mention another of my on-court skills.
For satisfaction, I must turn to the merry members of Blazers Edge, two of whom write:By my count, there has never been a better dunker in the history of mankind. The most powerful, graceful, ferocious, Earth shattering dunks that have ever been seen. May God have mercy on our souls should a better dunker ever come around. That would be the final sign of the end times. We don’t deserve to be alive at the same time as such a dunker… we hardly deserve Rudy, after all. (Authored by Mortimer)My aunt had polio, whooping cough, lime disease and was paralyzed from the neck down… yet one fateful night I sat watching the Olympic gold medal game with her as Rudy Fernandez faked a crossover and took it towards the rim on Superman himself. As he rose towards the goal my Aunt suddenly stood up and raised her arms and shouted triumphantly at the television “YES!!! In your face Howard!!! In your FACE!!!”
By the time Rudy had tomahawked it down on D. Howard’s grill she was completely cured. God bless Rudy Fernandez’s dunking ability. (Penned by MadN)
That said, I was mildly disappointed that none of my mates mention another of my on-court skills.

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