
The Revulsion of Bestubbled Satisfaction

I am most happy for Pau winning an NBA championship! It is a great day for Spanish basketball and España in generality.

But it is underneath a sub rosa understatement for me to say that I am somewhat conflicted about this accomplishment. For along with my satchel of genuine joy for Pau, there is other luggage to be unpacked.

First, my sentiments regarding Los Angeles have altered since my hermana, Marta, was released by the L.A. Sparks. This, combined with the most shameful rioting that broke out following the Lakers winning the championship, has led me to this conclusion about the City of Angels:

You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy!*

For there is a most compelling reason why sourness has seeped into every Iberian pore upon my coiled-steel frame.

Seeing this image of the malignant presence of Sasha Vujacic near the championship trophy has brought my red blood cells to a simmer. His obscene cradling of the prize while gazing upon it with bestubbled satisfaction... It is entirely too much to bear!

So forgive me, Pau, but your mate must never be allowed to win this trophy again.

*Never before have I had occasion to quote Obi-Wan Kenobi. ¡PUM!
Pau foto from Ball Don't Lie,
Marta from RudyFans,
Sasha Vujacic from Basketbawful.

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