And as two sharks smell blood in the water and swim toward it, so did Sergio and I begin our trajectories on the court.
A moment later, our jaws closed, and PUM! ¡Esmaixada!
Sasha Vujacic was most displeased at trailing in my wake on this play. Later, as we stood awaiting free throws, I saw Sasha’s querulous yet curious glancing toward me. Did the Slovenian sense that the NBA’s mantle of European flair had now slipped from his grasp?
Sasha leaned in. “Your stubbling,” he whispered unbelievingly. “It is perfect!”
With a wry smile, I nodded. And even as I did so, we both knew the mantle had passed away from him forever. ¡PUM!
Adicíon: For those insisting on the post-game interviewings, click here or on the image to the left. You are welcome to it!
Sasha Vujacic was most displeased at trailing in my wake on this play. Later, as we stood awaiting free throws, I saw Sasha’s querulous yet curious glancing toward me. Did the Slovenian sense that the NBA’s mantle of European flair had now slipped from his grasp?
Sasha leaned in. “Your stubbling,” he whispered unbelievingly. “It is perfect!”
With a wry smile, I nodded. And even as I did so, we both knew the mantle had passed away from him forever. ¡PUM!

Rudy in the jaws from acb.com,
interview from Blazers Center Court.
"Your stubbling is perfect." Awesome.