In one of Portland's free
newspapers this week is a Blazers article. It is clear this is not a subject the writers at this publication usually address. There is a story on each of my mates, and there is also a picture of a player’s imagined sports card.
Joel Pryzbilla has the best card. (The writer calls him "Vanilla Gorilla, Albino Godzilla, and Ashen Chinchilla.")
There is also a card for Sergio. The article is not kind to him.

"If turnovers could talk, they'd speak Spanish and play like Rodríguez. It's hard to tell if Sergio is the future of the franchise, trade bait, or... I'm sorry. I got distracted when Rodríguez turned the ball over again. What was I saying?"
Dismissing Sergio is not pleasing to me. He is an excellent ballhandler and has the same
sweater as me. Speaking of me, here is part of my entry.

"Spanish sensation that the Blazers acquired on draft night two years ago, Rudy Fernández has developed into a crowd favorite despite a shot selection that ranges from wild to bat***********crazy."
I asked Joel Pryzbilla to translate "bat***********crazy." He just gave a soft smile of muted gratification and said not to worry about it. Our big men are
muy enigmatic.
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