I am sore. I have a cold. And while I returned to the court today in Atlanta, my shot failed to join me. (I went 0-3 from beyond the arced line which designates an increase of one point for each shot made.)
My mates also had difficulties in our match, which we lost badly. There were a number of oddities. For instance, as the above image shows, the Hawks' marketing department utilizes the unlikely Georgian Zaza Pachulia for their promotion, even while parroting the Trail Blazers' "
Rise With Us" slogan.

Next, I am naturally acquainted with the T-shirt to the left. (And I can understand its sentiment, without making the endorsement!) Yet behind Atlanta's bench was an individual wearing the shirt below. Either it is insensible, or my English skills need more brushing off.

Finally, the following statement made me question the amount of my cold medicine rationing. While waiting to check in, I could hear Portland TV announcer Mike Barrett state, "
Portland does have that home crowd at home."
Claro; moreover, this crowd is conspicuously absent during our games when we peregrinate!
I love your blog Rudy.
ReplyDeleteI hope you and the all the Blazers get well soon and win a few of these road games on this trip you are on.
You know what shirt I wanna make... The "I "heart" going to the rim".
Great to see you have recovered from being Ariza'd!