Here is a more understandable change for me. The Trail Blazers employ trainers whose work it is to maximize physical fitness. While my cardiovascularity is to the good, there have been confusions over the weight-lifiting.
Early this season, a trainer saw me kicking a soccer ball with Sergio and asked us, “Why don’t you two hit the free weights?”
“We are Spanish,” Sergio replied.
“Okay, but why don't you lift some weights?”
“Spain is in Europe,” was my rejoinder. “¡Gol!”
Yet perhaps I will rethink this ingrained notion. Could an increase in my muscle massing have prevented a collapse after the Ariza/Fernández Conflict? It is a meal for my thoughts.

Later, Sergio reassured them by phone of my luck, but their shock and relief was great. At the hospital I watched and rewatched the event. ¡Pum! Ariza's blow! ¡Pum! I land! I marveled at how despite my altitude, nothing was destroyed. (I broke my shoulder some time ago in a game of the ULEB Cup. This constituted a re-injury of it.) At the scene of my landing, the doctors asked me if I felt my arms and legs. I said yes, and told them I did not need the neck collar, but they had to put it as a precaution.
Perhaps these same physicians have thoughts on how to deal with my newfound snores!
(Top photo by Ben Golliver, action photo by the Oregonian.)
Svelte is dealt. Everyone knows that exercise is for women! Silly trainers.